Adams Wells Crisis Center provides emergency shelter, clothing, and essential and supportive care in a safe and secure environment. Through an extensive referral network of resources in Adams and Wells Counties, assistance with basic needs are addressed, including: housing, employment, training and job placement, education and counseling. Weekly support groups are offered for residential and non-residential clients, focusing on topics such as: parenting, money management, financial assistance, child care issues, Domestic Violence & Safety Planning education, stress management, developing a support network, assertiveness training, and social/relational skills. AWCC employs full-time and part-time staff persons to provide intervention/advocacy 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our case manager provides case management services for clients who need to work through the legal, law enforcement, and social services systems. Our clients are usually without funds, isolated from friends and family, and generally considered to be in poverty. All support services including group meeting are offered to residential clients and non-residential (outreach) clients free of charge.
During their stay, clients are given information and guidance to assist them in developing insight regarding short-term goals towards empowerment and continued safety. Case notes are kept daily for each client, documenting their participation and progress in achieving these goals. Long-term goals are addressed whenever possible and include follow up contact and support through our Outreach/Referral services and weekly support group. We believe that by offering a caring environment, a diverse referral network, and good follow up and support a client’s chance for success is more likely.
Referrals are received through various agencies including: Adams & Wells Co. Police/Sheriff Departments, Adams and Wells County Victims Assistant, Schools, Churches, etc…
All of the services we provide are designed to empower victims of abuse by ensuring their right to make their own decisions, by providing them with the information and resources necessary for decision making, and by directing women to the tools they need for success. As options are considered re: housing, education, and employment etc. the tools to accomplish them must also be considered and made accessible. The opportunity to learn about resources that are available provide the client with new knowledge that may or may not be a part of their immediate solution, but may also contribute to the solution of another problem encountered in the future.
Referrals are received through various agencies including: Adams & Wells Co. Police/Sheriff Departments, Adams and Wells County Victims Assistant, Schools, Churches, etc…
All of the services we provide are designed to empower victims of abuse by ensuring their right to make their own decisions, by providing them with the information and resources necessary for decision making, and by directing women to the tools they need for success. As options are considered re: housing, education, and employment etc. the tools to accomplish them must also be considered and made accessible. The opportunity to learn about resources that are available provide the client with new knowledge that may or may not be a part of their immediate solution, but may also contribute to the solution of another problem encountered in the future.
Jodi Mawhorr
Julie Beer
Gina Brewster
Executive Board Members
Amy Bieberich
Barry Humble
Nikki Heckert
April Fullencamp
Board Members
Taylor OliverAbby HollowayLisa GableIan GilbertKyra Winkler |
Abby HollowayClayton LengrichJanella Stonczek
Taylor Oliver
HOW YOU CAN HELPYour money can aid us in helping and serving the community!
EVENTS & NEWSCheck out our upcoming events and AWCC news.